Question : Problem: XP adds English (US) as an additional system language

My network clients are HP Compaq 5100 PC's running XP Professional SP2 with the addition of Microsoft's Arabic MUI pack. We control the PC's using Group Policy. We have two languages installed on the PC's - English (UK) with a US keyboard and Arabic (Saudi Arabia) with an Arabc 101 keyboard. If a user goes into "Control Panel -  Regional and Language Options - Regional Options - Standards and Formats" and changes the language, the system always adds English (US) into the language options. We need to keep this applet accessible to our user in order to allow them to change the numbering format when using English or Arabic but I want to stop the system adding English (US) all the time. Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: XP adds English (US) as an additional system language

You cannot completly erradicate english us. You can however decide on a certain language to be used the very first time a user logs into his account. To do that you have to complete a few steps:
- log onto the computer using a certain user account
- do all the necessary modifications (in you case set uk english or arabic as the default languages. You can also configure the language bar to display only those two languages so the users can easily switch between these 2 lanuages without having to go into control panel).
- after that log onto the computer as another user who must have administrative rights. Open MyComputer, the choose Tools - Folder Options - View and check "Show hidden files and folders".
- right-click the MyComputer Icon and choose properties. Go into the Advanced tab and the click Settings under the user profiles section. Click on the user's profile that was used to do the changes to the regional settings, click the "copy to" button. If the button is grayd out restart he computer and try againt, it is possible for a profile to not be unloaded correctly just by loggong off (the restart will do the trick every time). Under the permitted to use section add "everyone" or "autenticated users" (if you're in a domain) and then browse to the "c:\documents and settings\default user" folder. Hit ok and then the default user profile will be modified accordingly. Now every user who logs on for the first time will have a profile identical to the user profile you have defined.

Of course, the profile could be customised even more to include custom desktop, custom toolbars etc.

Goog luck
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