Question : Problem: Flash Disk cannot open Word document properly

HI all,

I have a problem with flash disk storage media.
I tried to save in microsoft Word 2003 an internet content via-viz copy and paste feature of Windows. I was able to save in flash using my computer. When I tried to open the file from flash on other computers, then Microsoft word displayed square box only. Before it opened, it said you need convertor or please check the rights of the file. I did not set any rights to the file.

The same problem was occure in other flash disk. I could not solve the problem.

Mode - Samusung and Scandisk

Best wishes.


Answer : Problem: Flash Disk cannot open Word document properly

Well formatiing the Flash drive "may" give you results because some flash drives misbehaves when they are filled almost to full capacity. So if this is the case with you formatting should do the trick.

But What is really happening is that the Flash is kind of re-encoding the file(s) when they are copied to it and this makes such files misbehave when transferred with such a flash.

Do you still have the original file on your computer? If you do, Some Flash drives are reliable you may want to try another flash drive for your file transfer. If you have a CDwriter you may just write the file on a CD to avoid this headache. Or if you have a Card and Card reader or an MP3 player Flash drive that supports data you can use them most of them have proved to be more reliable than some flash drives.

Note: this does not mean that the Flash drive can not be used for other files the problem may just be with this file type.

All the best

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