Question : Problem: BlackBerry Manager cannot connect

I changed the BESAdmon password and later in the day attempted to open the 4.0 manager.

It states that it cannot connect to the database.  I'm new to BES.  

What's up?

Answer : Problem: BlackBerry Manager cannot connect

OK - to recap...

You changed your BESAdmin account password. Ever since you changed the password, when you try to run the BES Manager program, it says that it cannot connect to dabase.

You've restarted your BES server several times.

You've confirmed that all of the Blackberry services are started

You've run the BES server setup program and clicked the "Test SQL Database Connection" and it came back successful.

Is that all correct?

You commented in another question "We changed all passwords as we had a changing of the guard in IT." Did you change your domain admin password  as well? Did you change any group memberships?

What is the status of your Blackberries - are they receiving email?

Is your BES server stand-alone? or do you have Exchange running on the same server?

Is the database MSDE? OR is it SQL? What server is that running on?

When you log into the desktop of your BES server - are you logging in as BESAdmin? Or another account?

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