Question : Problem: Additional Graphic Card needed in Dell Server with ATI ES1000

Dear Experts,

I have a Dell Poweredge 2900II with on-board ATI ES1000 graphic chip. Unfortunately, this chip only gives me a max. resolution of 1280x1024, but I would like to have higher resolutions, e.g. 1440x900, 1680x1050 or even 1920x1200.

Now adding another graphic card is the abvious solution, but the server won't work with one, as

a) I am apparently unable to deactivate the built-in card in the BIOS,
b) the card I added for a test was based on NVIDIA-Chips, and Windows 2008 didn't like to work with chipsets from different vendors (i.e. NVIDIA and ATI).

Does anyone have a clever idea on how I can get higher display resolutions (under W2K8) out of this box?

Thanks for any ideas,

Answer : Problem: Additional Graphic Card needed in Dell Server with ATI ES1000

HP also has ES1000 cards as well.  You may be able to run the HP install on the Dell

Just download:

The install may work.  If not, extract and try and update the driver from the device manager and browse to the folder where you extracted the files and it may pick up the drivers.

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