Question : Problem: Boot freeze has progressed to black screen

Got what I think may be a video problem, but I don`t know enough to diagnose it.  Here`s the sitrep:

Old PII 450, 16MB Nvidia card, Win XP Pro, 256MB RAM

No new hardware added since XP installation. Latest software install predates problem by several weeks.

First indication of trouble was a freeze during boot, after WinXP logo appeared, black screen, hard drive action ceases.  Reboot produced the Windows "incomplete boot" screen, with options for safe mode, normal, etc.  All selections failed.  Normal and last functioning configuration failed in same manner as described above.  All three safe modes failed during driver load screen, all as the "agp440.sys" file was loading.  Hard drive action always stopped within 1-2 seconds of that driver file appearing in the onscreen load queue.

System will boot to system recovery console from XP cd.  No damage apparent to disk using CHKDSK.  Attempted reinstall/repair proceeds until system begins checking for other Windows installation, then freezes as well.

Possible unrelated, but new and odd:  keyboard has stopped functioning at Bios screen.  Functions everywhere else, but not in Bios screen.

Final insult: after 2 days of thinking, I tried to boot from the cd again today, thinking I would just cut my losses, wipe and reinstall.  System booted, boot cycle took as long as normal, hard drive action continued and stopped as described above..... but the monitor remained dark, front LED orange (sleep mode), instead of turning to green as always during boot.  wondering now if it might be a hardware, not software problem.....  

Anyone want to tackle this one?  Please?

Thanks for any advice in advance.  

Geoff Carr

Answer : Problem: Boot freeze has progressed to black screen

Per recommendation.

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