Question : Problem: Asus P5K-E WiFi-AP Motherboard, Audio Crackling, System Hangling/lagging


Recently, I reformatted my computer in hopes of ridding myself of this problem; however it only made it worse. I went from occasional audio lag (it crackled, but he audio slowed down) accompanied by frame rate lag to constant audio crackling/lag with the occasional frame rate lag AND my system now hangs like it's frozen for several seconds in complete randomness. I.E. Simply when I'm moving the cursor from one side of the screen to the other or just typing. While it hangs like this, the audio skips and repeats the same sound it stopped on over and over like a scratched CD until my system frees up again.

Now, the random lock ups didn't occur as frequently before I installed Windows SP3. I'm thinking of uninstalling that. I also had problems getting the onboard HD Audio to even be recognized. I resolved that by uninstalling SP3 and all attempted installs of audio drivers, installing Windows hotfix KB888111xpsp2.exe, installing the most recent sound drivers, and only after that and my sound was working did I install SP3.

Oh yes, I built this computer about nine months ago. I didn't have any troubles until after using my computer for nearly two months. I started getting problems after I moved my comp due to having to flee the SoCal 2007 Fires. Is it possible that moving it caused any hardware damage?

I would like to avoid having to buy any new hardware if possible and I'm hoping this is purely software related.

Attached is an Everest report containing all the details of my system.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


EDIT: Oh and is it at all possible for the graphics card to be the culprit?

Answer : Problem: Asus P5K-E WiFi-AP Motherboard, Audio Crackling, System Hangling/lagging

Also see about turning OFF anything you don't need running on XP:

Turn off unneeded XP services:
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