Question : Problem: Authentication failing backup

I recently had to change my administrator password due to a system admin leaving the company, ever since then the backup to tape drive has been failing with the followingg error

Error category    : Security ErrorsError             : e000fe29 - Authentication failed on connection to the server. Make sure that the user account has the appropriate permissions and that the password was typed correctly.
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65065

They are windows servers, i have changed the passwords on all services running as the administrator and have changed the services within tools - backup exec services but it is still constantly failing.

The program was installed by a third party, so i dont have brilliant knowledge on the program so any help will be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Authentication failing backup

Looks like backupexec has still stored your old password.

Open the Backup Exec Console, then go to Network -> Logon Accounts. In default configuration, you'll only have one item there, the System Logon Account. Select it, and click on Edit to the right. You'll be asked for a password, here I'm not sure whether its your old or your new password. Once you figured that out, you'll get the Edit Logon Credentials window where you have a "Change Password" button. There you can set the password Backup Exec uses to connect to its clients.

In case you cannot edit you current User, you will have to create a new one, set it as default, and delete the old one. Once you leave the Logon Account Management, Backup Exec will ask you to replace your old user with you new user in all jobs (which you should do of course).

I hope this helps
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