Question : Problem: Site to Site VPN connection works fine, programs works fine, can ping but cannot map drives

We have a site to site VPN connection using Netgear FVS318 routers and so far the VPN connection works fine, we can use our programs and the connection stays alive all the time.  I can ping the ip of the remote computer but when I want to browse the folders or map the drive it says "\\ is not accesible. You might not have permission to use this network resource..."  This is when I loggin to the computer using my username@domain.

When I log off and loggin using Adminstrator@computer I CAN browse the folder of the remote computer and I can map the drives.  The ipconfig is the same on both users but only works when I loggin as the Administrator@computer.

I already try to use the "Netbios over TCP/IP" on the advance configurations and didn't help.  I try to add exceptions to the firewall adding the ports 137-139 but still no go.  Please help.

Answer : Problem: Site to Site VPN connection works fine, programs works fine, can ping but cannot map drives

its :    net use \\remote\sharefolder password /u:domain\username /persistent:yes

without the like it shows in the previous comment

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