Question : Problem: Apple Xraid, use with Ms Windows 2008 on HP server

I would like to use a spare Xraid on my new Hyper-V SCMM Library manager. It is a Dl360 G5 from HP.
- a) there is any third party Radi administration utility able to work with the Xraid ? the only RaidAdmin utility I found is the one from Apple, but the release for Windows is very outdated, much older than the Firmware version on the Xraid, and I know from past troubles that the two - Radiadmin+firmware - must be at the same revision level to work reliably;

b) I'm trying to use an FC Card from Apple - really an LSI 7202P - but even if I installed the correct drivers the board refuse to work properly, I always get an error from the device management utility of Windows 2008 server Std 64 bit.

LEast but not least HP does provide and certify only 4 Gb FC boards for the Dl360 G5, any suggestion about an FC card that should work ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer : Problem: Apple Xraid, use with Ms Windows 2008 on HP server

A standard FC card from the vendor (HP) should work, or any they certify.
The Apple card has Apple-proprietary firmware on it and it is no surprise at all that it won't work in a standard PC.

The Apple RAID at this point is probably getting on in age, you should think about that fact - probably want to fully rebuild any RAID volumes and run the other checks available.

The last version of RAID admin was 1.5.1 as far as I know, which is available here,

DO note that they provide a .zip downloadable version. It's a Java app, and with Java installed
it runs perfectly fine in XP SP3.
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