Question : Problem: NT Backup crashing server


I have a SBS 2003 server SP1 with all the latest patches etc, Xeon 2.8, 1GB, SCSI RAID1

We started noticing that in the morning the server had restarted and had a STOP ERROR xxxxxxx-xxx-xxx as the reason - essentially this means it bluescreened right?

We then noticed the backups were not working, when I tried to manually backup the server would restart with the same error
(I am not onsite so could not see what happened but when it re-booted it had the same error)

I have proved that NT backup is doing this as if the schedule is disabled it works fine if NT backup is run or scheduled it restarts. I do not have the exact code and would prefer not to crash the server again....


Answer : Problem: NT Backup crashing server

I would say that it's most likely Norton causing your problems then. There's quite a few people been experiencing the same problems: (with Backup Exec)
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