Question : Problem: What is the major difference in SATA And SAS.


What is the major difference in SATA And SAS.
In Hardware physically.


Answer : Problem: What is the major difference in SATA And SAS.

The SAS format is a new serial version of the previous SCSI interface. Both formats are really intended for servers and any workstations which need to be high performance systems. The SAS interface is really a new version of SCSI, but offering a serial connection between the storage controller and the hard disk drive. In fact, SAS runs a little slower than SCSI.

SATA is another new form of storage which allows for communication over a serial interface (S-ATA: *Serial* ATA, as opposed to parallel ATA in something like the previous IDE format).

SATA drives have outstretched both SCSI and SAS since they have managed to reach capacities of 1TB, so SATA is recommended for anything which needs large amounts of storage.

Of course, all these types of drives can be configured into all sorts of RAID arrays and the like, providing the storage controller they are connected to will support it.

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