Question : Problem: Poor video quality despite top quality hardware

I have a Lenovo desktop w/ Pentium 2.8 GHz processor, 2GB RAM Win XP SP3. I repalced the onboard vidoe with a NVIDIA GE FOrce 7950 card which supports dual monitors. I am using two Lenovo THinkvision 20 inch LCD flat panel monitors with DVI inputs.      When I view photos taken with a high res Niolon camera, the colors are perfect.

When I view video, including DVD's, live TV via Hauppauge PVR 150 MCE card and cable input, and any video file you choose, the video is dark, poor contrast, grainy. Sound is OK. When I viewed a DVD I burned on a DVR, it played great on my 40 inch picture tube TV, but like sh-t on my PC!

FOr the money I spent on this system, I should at least have a picture as good as a $200 LCD tv, but it is ot even close. How do I troubleshoot this?

Answer : Problem: Poor video quality despite top quality hardware

It could be the drivers for that card, or the video settings for the TV application.  If changing the settings doesn't work, try a different software application, such as BeyondTV.  You could also try a different driver version.
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