Question : Problem: Windows has deleted all MP3 files

I have all my MP3 files on an external Hard Drive and I play through I tunes and sync with IPOD. Today Itunes cannot find any tracks at all and interrogating My Computer shows that ALL 12,000 MP3/AAC files are gone. The folders remain, many empty but many containing JPEGs of relevent cover art. Help needed. I will try and use a disk regenerator to get them back, but its the cause that worries me.

Answer : Problem: Windows has deleted all MP3 files

when were they last there? i've heard of viruses deleting mp3s as well as office docs etc, is there anything else missing? try an online virus scan -, avast is ok for a free av but generally you get what you pay for. also make sure to show all files in case iTunes has taken it upon itself to hide them for some strange reason - in Windows Explorer Tools>Folder options>View tab and then 'show hidden files and folders'. in fact the hidden folders isn't going to make a difference if iTunes cant see the files
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