Question : Problem: Capture input through a modem

Is it possible to capture input (ex. someone hits the number '2' on their phone pad to answer 'no' to a question) through a modem?  Currently I'm using the following to make the phone calls...
            TelePhone = CREATEOBJECT('Form')
            TelePhone.Dial.CommPort = CommPortUsed && Use Serial Port.
            TelePhone.Dial.Settings = "14400,N,8,1"  && 14.4 Kbaud, No Parity, 8 data Bits, 1 Stop Bit
                  TelePhone.Dial.PortOpen = .T.
            TelePhone.Dial.OUTPUT = M.tele + CHR(13) && Dial the number

Answer : Problem: Capture input through a modem

How to receive from the serial port by using MScomm32.ocx in Visual FoxPro;en-us;140525
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