Question : Problem: "Cheap" free hotspot solution with web page redirection to Disclaimer for free public wireless access.

I am looking for a very inexpensive solution for free public wifi where when a user connects they are redirected to a web page of my choosing which presents them a disclaimer before allowing them to freely browse.  I found a Netgear WG102 Which has this feature and will run me about $110 each.  Since I need to deploy about 8 of these at different locations I want to try to bring the cost down to about $60 each.  What I was hoping for is some type of Linksys with alternate firmware solution like DD-WRT which would allow me to specify a webpage at a URL I specify.  This is not for a paid solution and if it has to redirect to something else like Chilli then it is not a solution for me.


Answer : Problem: "Cheap" free hotspot solution with web page redirection to Disclaimer for free public wireless access.

Looks like DD-WRT does it built in.

I search for hours and then post here only to find the answer afterwards.  Thanks for the suggestions.
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