Question : Problem: Arcserver R12 - automatically use next tape in bucket


We have Arcserver R12 running quite happily on Server 2003 using a Dell PowerVault 122T.  We have a backup routine that runs each night using 1 tape in the vault.

Normally there is only one tape in the vault as I change the tape each day manually, over the weekend or if I am away for a couple of days the is 3+ tapes in the vault.

When there is multiple tapes in the drive the back routine doesn't automatically use the next tape in the vault the following night - it always uses slot 1.  How/where do I configure in arcserve to get it to use the next tape in the vault automatically when the 2nd (or 3rd etc) backup starts the following night?


Answer : Problem: Arcserver R12 - automatically use next tape in bucket

to avoid this problem you can set up rotation job instead of custom which makes the software more automated and even you forget to remove the tapes which are been backed up, job will pick up a different tape instead of a tape always been picked up from specfic slot.

you can go with any of the combinations avaliable depending on your requirment under schedule tab of a backup job and select a media pool which has retention time for media to make sure that tape is not over written by the job which makes the job much simpler.

second idea would be going ahead and creating groups for each day job if you are running same job every day and this is more of a non automated process and requires more number of jobs unlike rotation but this will make sure appropriate tapes be picked when backup job starts for that respective day.
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