Question : Problem: Data Recovery

Hi, I'm having some problem recovering data from a hard drive whose partitions were deleted. It's 60 GB maxtor hd, and I used Lost and Found to attempt recovery of the files. (BTW I have two Maxtor 60GB HDs) The problem is that Lost and Found only recognizes the HD as having about 27 GB capacity in its drive scan (This happens with both drives). So, I can only recover data that were in the first 27 GB of my drive. Which because of previous partitioning translates to about 8 GB of data (I had partitioned the hd into a 2GB, 15 GB, 15 GB, 25 GB structure; all data were in the last two partitions). So how do I get lost and found to recognize the remaining hd? (since pq has discontinued lost and found, most of their support docs are offline now). If there really isn't a way, can you suggest another program that can do the job just as well? Thanks.

PS, If you want to know what happened to the HD: I tried to install win 98 onto the first partition. It erased the partition data, and tried to format the drive, luckily win98 setup couldn't find my cd drive, generated an error and aborted, so no formatting occured. I haven't written anything to the drive since. OK, not really, I did use maxtor's maxblastII drive utility to repartition the drive into 1 60 GB one (fat32). I used Lost and Found before and after this with the same result, it only recognized the 1st 27 GB or so, but what was there, I think it recovered quite nicely. Sorry for making you read through all this. I realy hope you can help. Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Data Recovery

I don't know if there is a remedy for the lost and found issure. Try the GetDataBack Demo. A lot users here at EE Rave about it. Just check it out and see if can do what Lost and Found can't. If both can't see the whole disk then there is something wrong with the disk..
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