Question : Problem: VPN on Windows xp

Hi, i'm about to install a VPN on 2 windows xp machines, they are separeted for about 100km, i have 2 broadband routers us rootics USR8000A, they suport VPN, the thing is i have no idea how to set it up, each computer is going to have a static ip, but how do I configure the raouter or one of the machines to be server and the other for client? and how can I set a VOIP with each computer so they can have constant comunicacion? they have no LAN there, but i will probably be seting this one up 2, thank for the help you can give me.

Answer : Problem: VPN on Windows xp

Right, your better off using equipment already setup for this particular application, instead of trying to go about getting Windows machines to do it. You might want to research Cisco products and check Ebay for deals on that type of gear. I believe there are other manufacturers that do VOIP, but I dont know who, since it isnt my specialty, but IPsec VPN router to router is.
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