Question : Problem: Need SATA to IDE Ribbon cable and USB to IDE Ribbon cable

Need SATA to IDE Ribbon cable and USB to IDE Ribbon cable.  Want to be able to use SATA cable on computer to attach to external IDE slave to copy data from slave..  Also, would like to be able to use USB from computer to attach to external IDE slave to copy data from slave.  Couldn/t find either cable on or other web sites. Please advise.


Answer : Problem: Need SATA to IDE Ribbon cable and USB to IDE Ribbon cable

That's because they don't exist.  A simple cable cannot convert between SATA and IDE.  You need an adapter.  Likewise for USB.

Here are a couple of examples - I do not necessarily recommend the products or web sites (I do recommend NewEgg)

For more, simply google "USB to SATA" or "USB to IDE" and "SATA to IDE" or "IDE to  SATA"
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