Question : Problem: Upgrading an IBM Aptiva

I have a Model M71 IBM Aptiva with a Pentium 133; 16MB Ram;1.6 GB Drive; and 4speed CDRom.
My harddrive is 3\4 used and I am finding the computer is slowing down. Also I am reluctant to download some programs etc. that I would like to.  
I feel I should upgrade but would like some guidance on how I should proceed and if I should use just IBM upgrades.
What do I need?  How much approximately?  
Any help and suggestions appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Upgrading an IBM Aptiva


Let me answer each question here:
Q. if I should use just IBM upgrades?
A. What kind of upgrades does IBM offers you?? Don't forget that you would be paying for the name as well.  It means you will be always laying more money. (feedback more on this one)

Q. What do I need?
A. Well that's all depend on what you do with the system (you    haven't mentioned your video card), but in general, I would    recommend at least 2Mg of video card, 32Mg of Ram and another    hard drive.

Q. How much approximately?
A. Well the Ram where I am (Canada) 32Mg is about 90$ CAN, a hard drive 2.1Gig or 3.2Gig you're looking in the 280 ~350$ CAN range, a video card 2Mg would be in the range of 95$ CAN.

This would take care of the list of recommendation. If you need brand name to look for:
a) Video card : ATI, Matrox or Number 9
b) Hard drive : Quantum Fireball, Seagate, Matrox, Western    Digital

I hope I did answer all your questions, if you need more info just ask.


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