Question : Problem: Raid 5 with Windows 2003 server using motherboard 975XBX2

I have an Intel motherboard 975XBX2 with Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition. I also have 2 80GB SATA harddrives and 3 500GB SATA drives. I already did a raid 1 for the 2 80GB SATA drives but I'm not succedding in creating raid 5 for the 3 500GB SATA.

How can I create the Raid 5 for the 3 500GB SATA drives?

Thank you.

Answer : Problem: Raid 5 with Windows 2003 server using motherboard 975XBX2

You motherboard has two raid controllers:
One made by intel build in to the chipset and the second one made by Marwell.
The one made by marwell has only raid 0,1,10 support.
The second made by intel has hardware support for raid 5 and 0,1,10.
You can use the marwell controller to create a 80 gb raid 1 volume and the intel controller to create a raid 5 volume , or you can use the software raid function build into w3k server to create a software raid 5 volume.
Regards Avi
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