Question : Problem: Using SMS to push folder to client and set client screen saver to My Pictures Slideshow

I work for a small retail store chain.  Each store has 2-4 computer terminals running Windows XP.  We currently push updates out to the computers via SMS.  I am NOT familiar with SMS.  I am a developer by trade but dabble in networking so I'm not afraid of learning...I've just not found the correct solution yet.

I've been tasked with the following:
Push a file folder that contains a set of images out to all store computer terminals, set the screen saver on each terminal to window XPs "My Picture Slideshow", and change the directory for My Picture slideshow to point to the copied directory that is pushed out ( I would like it to be c:\companyslideshow).  I also need to set a policy that will take away the ability for the stores to change their screen saver but I have created a separate question for that ...  

I'm fairly certain I can do this with SMS but I don't know where to start.  The things I've tried to get the folder to push out have not worked.  I have bought a book but it was not very helpful and the internet searches I've done have too many pieces missing for me to piece together what I need.  So what I'm looking for in a solution is something that is like psudo code that covers the steps for pushing a folder out, set the screen saver, and change the directory.  Feel free to elaborate or add tips/suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

Answer : Problem: Using SMS to push folder to client and set client screen saver to My Pictures Slideshow

Use a group policy, you might have to push the images out to the clients. this is a great article on how to configure it Screen Saver Executable Name  Specifies the screen saver for the user's desktop. If you enable this setting, the system displays the specified screen saver on the user's desktop. Also, this setting disables the drop-down list of screen savers on the Screen Saver tab in Display in Control Panel, which prevents users from changing the screen saver. If you enable this setting, type the name of the file that contains the screen saver, including the .scr file name extension. If the screen saver file is not in the %Systemroot%\System32 directory, type the fully qualified path to the file. If the specified screen saver is not installed on a computer to which this setting applies, the setting is ignored.
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