Question : Problem: Moving RAID drives to new motherboard

I currently have a SATA RAID with two 80gb Seagate Drives in a RAID 0 set. My motherboard is an ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe, which i think uses a sil 3112 SATA controller. I have just bought an ASUS A8V Deluxe as I want to go dual core. I need peace of mind that moving my raid setup to a new motherboard will work and not damage my data, as i think the SATA controller is a diferent brand (promise i think).

Thanks in advance.


Answer : Problem: Moving RAID drives to new motherboard

Raid 0 is never a good idea to have data on that is of any importance. Raid 0 doesn't have any redundancy, and the chance of the loss of data increases with every HD you add. The only good reason for raid 0 is the speed, it is good when editing large movies or other multimedia files, but after editing the files should be stored in a safe place.

Moving the raided disks to another PC with another controller is quite likely to break your raid and then the data is gone...
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