Question : Problem: krb_sendauth failed: You have no tickets cached

I can't do rsh or ftp or telnet to another machine because of kerbos4 how can i diabled or solv this problem

Answer : Problem: krb_sendauth failed: You have no tickets cached


First of aall let me say that it is better to close the present question and open another one since tihs time your quiestion is switched to aonther topic. If we go this way nobody would find any aswer by looking at the topic. If your kerberos issue is solved I'll suggest you to close it and raise another question about this connection issue.

Regarding to your question it seems that you have your firewall enabled on the  bb system which prents access to ftp port. Taht is if you sure ftp service is up and listening. The best way to  check with a command like:
netstat -ant | grep ftp

ancd checkt if the service is up. but lets do it on a new question ok ??


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