Question : Problem: Step to access another person's computer-Gain Control of another computer with a IP Address with Real VNC for window

Steps to gain access with real vnc another person workstation with an ip address ex.
The other computer has VNC installed on it.

Answer : Problem: Step to access another person's computer-Gain Control of another computer with a IP Address with Real VNC for window

1. On remote workstation, make sure that you know the VNC password and the IP address.
2. On your workstation, install VNC (at least VNC viewer). My personal preference is the free version of RealVNC:
3. Launch VNC Viewer, type in the remote IP address. When prompted, enter the remote workstation's VNC password.
4. If VNC does not prompt you for a password and gives a timeout error, ensure that the remote system is switched on (!) and accessible from your workstation. It may be that the firewall on the remote system is preventing VNC on that machine from responding. For Windows XP SP2, create and allow a program exception for vncserver.exe.
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