Question : Problem: Apple G4 PowerBook Display

Apple G4 1.5ghz having display problems.
I am hoping I don't have to replace the entire display (Apple notebooks are horrible to take appart).

Top third of the display displays fine,
Middle third is a black band;
bottom looks like one horizontal line of pixels being stretched vertically.

My immidiate thoughts are that the display is good (not bad pixels, entire screen has backlighting, partial screen working), but something is wrong with the signal.

Can someone with deep knowledge with this model give me some feedback.

Answer : Problem: Apple G4 PowerBook Display

The lcd display edge is where the controller cables for the display attaches to the screen. There are usually 3 connection points and it looks like 2 of them are effected. If pressure is applied and it returns to normal then there is a problem with the edge connector on the screen. This requires a replacement of the LCD screen
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