Question : Problem: scramble screen display and blue screen

after my fujitsu 6210 notebook when to screen saver mode, the screen displaybecome scramble. It reboot itself and I can see from the scrambled display it will go to the "blue screnn" then reboot it all over again.  I try to use the recovery disk but the the display is beyond readable to carry out anythink.  I don't have a external monitor to try out the display.  could it be virus affection or display.  If it is virus probelm. Pleaes let me know what to use and how to do it with the condition that the noteboot cannot even boot up probably..

Answer : Problem: scramble screen display and blue screen

Try to enter BIOS by hiting the F2 key when you power up your laptop, if your screen is scrambled take your laptop to where you bought it from cause it's a hardware problem and you might still have some warranty left or take it to a specialized repair centre; if the image is not scrambled try reinstalling windows.
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