Question : Problem: Two network cards for different Networks on one machine almost fixed using ROUTE Command

I have two NICS in a XP machine, where one goes to an internal network with internet access with a scheme and one that goes to a managed router with a 10.x.x.x scheme. I had the problem of having to use one or another to choose my connection but I recently read about the ROUTE ADD COMMAND which resolved the issue of having to choose on or another. However, I can connect to the manage route on the 10.x.x.x  network card and I can browse the network on the network card but I can not get internet to work without still disabling the 10.x.x.x card. Do I need to adjust TCP/IP iwthin the network card properties or is there something more I can do with the ROUTE command?

Answer : Problem: Two network cards for different Networks on one machine almost fixed using ROUTE Command

This might help you:;en-us;299540

Windows XP automatically assigns metrics to the adapters that are connected.  The above article explains that in detail and shows you how to go in and statically assign the metric values.  Set your 192 adapter to a lower metric value than your 10 adapter, thereby telling xp to default to the 192 adapter for internet based connections.
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