Question : Problem: New PC, old HD. SATA to IDE converter used, not booting properly!

Bought new computer with the intention of transferring old (BIG!)  hard drive into the new machine. I've done this many times before without a hitch. However, the new PC came with 80Gig SATA drive, old drive is IDE! I purchased IDE-SATA, SATA-IDE converter (found THAT solution here on EE, thanks guys!) and installed it correctly. Unfortunately, the comp won't boot.

Message (with the strange random capitalizations and everything): Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key

I've gone into BIOS and tried to force the HD to boot first (since CDROM was listed first) but still nothing.

Tested all connections. Uninstalled, reinstalled just in case.

I'm at a loss here. Any help is appreciated! I've got 4 more computers to do this to, and a raging headache!

New config:
Intel Core 2 Duo1.8GHz 2M Processor
Asus mATX Motherboard
GeForce 7600GT Vid Card
Windows XP Home
80 GB SATA II HD.... trying to replace this with my OLD HD which is a 250GB IDE

Answer : Problem: New PC, old HD. SATA to IDE converter used, not booting properly!

Remember, if you're looking for speed, the FASTEST situation would be to get another SATA hard drive. (300 Mbps)

XP is localized to the machine it is originally installed on; therefore, you will have to do a reinstall of windows on whichever drive you use.

If you want to use the IDE drive, however, the IDE controller is the way to go.  (You can actually get 133 Mbps with the controller over a standard IDE (ATA 100 Mbps)

If you haven't had the SATA to IDE controller for long, you could probably return it and save your money.
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