Question : Problem: "Missing" contacts in Windows Mobile 6.0 Active Sync

We just got a new HTC Mogul for the CEO, it uses Windows Mobile 6.0, we connect to our Exchange 2003 server via Active Sync.  Mail, Calendar and tasks all work beautifully.  He has 1183 contacts in Outlook, and it appears that there are 1183 contacts on the Mogul, however, if when searching for some contacts they don't appear.  What is interesting is that the ones that don't come up are the ones that he uses most.  So for instance when he noticed the problem he tried to contact me and I wasn't in the list.   Now simultaneous with the arrival of this problem we are noticing that if he uses the Address book to search for a contact in Outlook (2003), for instance when using the TO: function on the envelope, the same contacts that are missing on the Mogul are not available in the address book.  Additionally, if you search from the address search bar for the 'missing contact' an error will pop up with "cannot open missing object" but the contact pops up.  

In the meantime my hair is thinning and his patience is waining....  Any ideas

Answer : Problem: "Missing" contacts in Windows Mobile 6.0 Active Sync

I just ran across this same issue with the President of my company's HTC Mogul, connected via activsync directly to our Exchange server... I found that all of the contacts missing from the Mogul had content in the notes section, but so did other contacts that were not an issue. The i saw that the problem contacts' note sections all ended in numerous carriage returns (one actually only had a series of carriage returns as the note, nothing else)... I thought it was a strange coincidence, but when I removed the carriage returns and saved the contacts, each then showed up on the Mogul. Will be watching to see if this holds true going forward.
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