Question : Problem: Sapphire HD4870 X2 LCD HDTV Display issues via HDMI

Hi, this is my first post/question so forgive me if im not doing this right? :S

I have a new Sony BRAVIA W4000 series 32" HDTV, supporting 1080p24, and a Sapphire ATi HD4870 X2 PCI-Express Graphics Card, with the latest Catalyst Control Center (v08.9) drivers and software installed. When connected via VGA i cannot go above 1024x768 resolution (4:3 obviously), so VGA is not much good. I also have a DVI-HDMI cable (1.5m, gold plated connectors) and a DVI-HDMI Adapter (which came with the graphics card) and a standard HDMI cable (gold ends) too. So i can connect in a variety of ways;

1/  Card DVI output > VGA Adapter > VGA Cable > TV via VGA
2/  Card DVI output > DVI-HDMI Cable > TV via HDMI
3/  Card DVI output > DVI-HDMI Adapter >  HDMI Cable > TV via HDMI

1/ gives me a perfect crystal clear image, but only up to 1024x768 or maybe 1280x1024 (cant remember which) but anyway, this obviously leaves loads of black space to the left and right of the display being 4:3 and not what im after.
2/ and 3/ give from what i can see the exact same display - and its worse than VGA and what i had on my old now dead, 19" TFT. I upgraded the graphics card and my old monitor to the above items because i wanted a larger desktop area and more space for more applications/windows etc. Having read ALOT of threads on here i now see that that was a mistake getting the HDTV and should have got a 30" TFT instead, but too late for that now sadly.

So My question is: How can i achieve optimal display quality with the hardware i have in place, and which of the connection methods above should i be using?

I am not too fussed about audio through HDMI - though my graphics card does support it, but i have a 5.1 system attached to onboard sound at the moment, so the HDMI audio is not an issue at present.

At the moment my main complaints are;
- slightly blurry image
- some text is near unreadable depending on colour (ie: red on black, see attached)
- image is not crystal clear, its worse than VGA and worse than i had with my old set up

I do alot of web/graphical work design wise and so need a crystal clear image and having shelled out alot on this top of the range graphics card and HDTV im very disappointed with the results thus far as im worse off in terms of PQ. I also use the system for gaming oncein a while, and watching the odd movie (Blu-ray drive to be added soon)

So im hoping somone can share some expert advice and tips to fine tune this setup and make the image crystal clear and precise. I have played with the Catalyst Control Center software to no avail at present, along with TV settings etc (the TV settings i believe are fine, but i may be wrong) so i am hoping its something im doing wrong with the CCC software.

I really hope someone can help, and if you need any more info please just ask!

Many Thanks

Additional Info:
Graphics Card:

PC Specs:
Intel Pentium D, 3.46GHz Extreme Edition
Intel D975X BX Mainboard
2GB OCZ DDR2-533 Memory
400GB Western Digital SATA HDD
ATi SAPPHIRE HD4870 X2 PCI-E Graphics Card
1100 watt PSU

Answer : Problem: Sapphire HD4870 X2 LCD HDTV Display issues via HDMI

BAD news, your TV can only show1360 x 768 @ 60Hz
Check the PC input reference section on your manual.
SELECT that configuration on your PC or 1280 x 768
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