Question : Problem: Dell Inspiron Does Not Power On - No LEDs Lit
Here is the issue. I have a Dell Inspirion 531 that is not powering on. Normally I'd think this is a dead power supply and go swap it out but something is odd.
If I plug the power supply in by itself (not attached to anything), there is a green LED that lights up on the back of it and stays solid. When I connect it to the motherboard however the fans spin briefly and then all fans/LEDs go out. The only way to get the LED to light back up on the Power Supply is to disconnect it from the motherboard.
This sounds to me like the power supply is okay, is that correct? Looks like it has power up until the moment you plug it into the motherboard and then it shorts out and the computer can do nothing at all. No beeps, no lights, just dead.
Answer : Problem: Dell Inspiron Does Not Power On - No LEDs Lit
Most likely bad caps on motherboard.
Dell can't seem to get away from that problem.
The newer GX620 SFF units are dropping like flies.
[YES GX620 - Not the old GX260/270/280 problems.]
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