Question : Problem: Inaccessible boot device


I have a windows 2000 professional installed on a Seagate IDE of 40 Gb.
When I start the computer, windows begins to load and after aprox. 30 sec. it shows the message:

0x0000007B(0x81887e7,0xc000009,0x00000000,0x00000000) INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE.

I've  tried in Default last good configuration, and I've installed the Hd on another machine and tried to make a chdsk /f /r.
It only shows me that is FAT32 and the partition is not accessible. But when I try to start the computer it begins to load windows.

I believe that obviously there is a fail with the partition, but I don't know how to recover it.
I've tried:

chkdsk from another computer
Installing a parallel windows xp (it shows that the partition is not recognized)
Begin with safe mode, last good and depuration mode (it crashes in BSOD and INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE message)

How can I access to the data or restore partition? Any 3rd party software?


Answer : Problem: Inaccessible boot device

If a repair install doesn't work, install the disk again in another computer with enough free disk space, then use getdataback to copy your important data off. After that use the above mentioned seatools on the disk to completely erase it and thoroughly test it, and if you get errors, replace it, if not reinstall.
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