Question : Problem: Unable to backup database

Good Morning All,

Sorry bit of a long one.

I seem to be getting the following problem when trying to backup one of the database's on my SQL server

Backup Server, Arcserver R12 SP1
SQL Server Agent, Arcserver R11.5 SP2

In the backup software I'm getting the following error.
E8602 19:37:02 Failed to read from database (DBNAME=Data,EC=SQL1:Backup Agent Error - (406) "VDI message: The API was waiting and the timeout had elapsed")

E8604 19:37:28 Failed to start bakup (DBNAME=Data,EC=SQL1:[SQL Server] szSqlState=37000, fNativeError=3013, errMsg=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.)

I have checked the event logs on the SQL1 server and the following error are also getting reported.

Event ID: 17055
Type: Error
Time: 19:37:00
BACKUP failed to complete the command backup database [Data] to virtual_device='DBASQL_DB_Data_PID2272TID5968BID0TS2593075fVD0' WITH BLOCKSIZE=65536, BUFFERCOUNT=1, MAXTRANSFERSIZE=2097152, DIFFERENTIAL.

Event ID: 17055
Type: Error
Time: 19:37:27
BackupVirtualDeviceFile::RequestDurableMedia: Flush failure on backup device 'DBASQL_DB_Data_PID2272TID5968BID0TS2593075fVD0'. Operating system error 995(error not found)

I have spoken to my DBA and he say that it is not a SQL issue but a device timeout problem.

I have checked all the servers and also my SAN and can't seem to find any other errors.  

Any help would be great.


Answer : Problem: Unable to backup database

restart  the services if its possible
SQL agent service
Backup application service
MSSQL service.

If that doesnt work , then please follow the link

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