Question : Problem: Active sync stuck in installation state

After installing activesync 4.5 successfully on a windows server 2k3 machine, I am unable to run the activesync utility without encountering the installation screen.

When I open active sync, the install wizard pop's up and begins compiling the installation files. It runs through all the way then closes and does nothing. This happends every time I open active sync.

I have gone through the process of completly removeing active sync (uninstall, manual file removal, and registry key removal). After doing so I restart the server and reinstall active sync. When the installation wizard completes it still runs the wizard each time I run active sync.

I have run into this same issue with another of our win2k3 servers

Answer : Problem: Active sync stuck in installation state

I have found the solution to this issue.

There are components of Outlook that active sync 4.5 looks for when opening to create a sync.

once outlook is installed this issue goes away.
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