Question : Problem: their is HP 8150 Printer Speed Problem?

dear sir,

we are using printer of HP 8150 in our computer labs to provide printing facility to computers, we face too many problems in that when student send pdf and power point slides files to printer it takes too much time then we need to convert it into word document then send again. kindly sugggest me how we can over come that problem when we was using printer of HP 2200 in our lab at that time this problem was not exist. kindly suggest me any configuration of printer that we need to do.

thanks allot

Answer : Problem: their is HP 8150 Printer Speed Problem?

There are faster printers than the LJ 8150 these days, but it is still a pretty fast printer.

You say that PDF and powerpoint prints are too slow, but word is OK. That may be because the PDF and ppt files include lots of image, which will always take more time to process. In Acrobat, check that "print as image" is not ticked under the Advanced button in the print dialogue box. If the files contain lots of images, using the PostScript driver will be faster than PCL.

How is the printer connected? If you are using a parallel port, it's the PC that slows it down: expect maximum 100kB/sec from any PC, regardless of whether it has the latest processor or an old Pentium II. If printing TCP/IP via a server, try printing direct (using a Standard TCP/IP port) and see if that is any faster.
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