Question : Problem: Telnet character mode problem with transmitting [return]

I'm writing a telnet server that sets newly connected clients to character mode, via the combination of (IAC WONT LINEMODE and IAC WILL SGA).  My problem is this changes the client behavior on a carriage return.  Instead of producing a CRLF locally on the client, it only interprets the carriage return as CR, so hitting enter in the client will return the cursor to the beginning of the current line, but will not move down to the next one.  In addition, this signal is not transmitted to the server.  *I need the client to interpret the carriage return as CRLF AND send this to the server.  What should I do so connected clients are set to character mode AND still transmit the 'return' keystroke (whether or not its CR + NULL or CR + LF isn't so important)?*  Thanks in advance!  This may not be the most difficult question, but it's important to me to get a working solution quickly.

Answer : Problem: Telnet character mode problem with transmitting [return]

I solved my issue.  I just needed to send my full negotiation, including everything my telnet server doesnt plant to support.  this works properly now & sets all clients into character mode as desired.
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