Question : Problem: Intermittent Network Loss

There are several users experiencing this same problem just over the last month or so.  They are all running on Thinkpad T40 with the same NIC (Intel Pro/1000 MT).  The users are experiencing intermittent network connectivity losses which in turns hinders the receipt of emails.  Seems like the delay is approximately 5-10 minutes difference from their receipt of mesages on their Blackberry.  I have noticed the Event Error 40961 in the logs even prior to the NIC driver upgrade.  Mind you all other PCs are on the same network is operating fine.  

Trobleshooting Attempts:
- updated the NIC drivers which some claim to have improved the situation but the NIC is still not as
- swapped out network cables

Attached is the screen shot of the Event Error.

Answer : Problem: Intermittent Network Loss

I have figured out the a temprorary fix.  I manually changed the link speed of the NIC from auto detection.  The fix has been applied for over a week and it seems to have stabilized the laptops connectivity.

Thank you all for your help.  Much appreciated.
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