Question : Problem: Trying to find out how to determine a backup tape's GUID or name...
Go easy on me :-).. still an intermediate
I have inherited the responsibility to manage backups at our office. We are using Ntbackup on a Windows 2003 SP2 server to perform backups for our company. With the small amount of servers we have all goes well.... usually.
Our backup jobs are set up as follows through Scheduled Tasks:
3 rotating Full tapes on Monday (Monday1, Monday 2, etc)
Tues - Thurs are a single Differential tape for each day
4 rotating Full tapes on Friday (Friday 1, Friday 2, etc)
Somehow a Friday backup job (Friday 3) got deleted. I have only been here a month so it may have happened before I got this assignment. Anyhow I am tryign to recreate a job to do the same task. I originally copied the Friday 4 backup scheduled task and renamed it and set the schedule. I noticed however in the parameters of the Scheduled Task the following information:
up.exe backup "@p:\pliner\Backup\selecti
liner Backup - 5 Friday FULL - Week 4a.bks" /n "Pliner Backup - 5 Friday FULL - Week 4a" /d "Pliner Backup - 5 Friday FULL - Week 4a" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:on /m normal /j "Pliner Backup - 5 Friday FULL - Week 4a" /l:s /g "1919f64c-393b-487d-b86b-1
Everything should be eacy to duplicate except that /g parameter. What I have looked up is that switch denotes teh GUID which I think corresponds to the tape ID. If that is correct, how do I get the tape ID or GUID from the Week 3 tape? NTbackup doesn't have a catalog feature that I know of.
The Friday job I tried to create failed with the following error:
Command Line Problem: A valid backup operation was not specified on the command line.
Can anyone help? If I can provide more detail than I have please let me know.
Answer : Problem: Trying to find out how to determine a backup tape's GUID or name...
These are not the same tapes, no. They have a different GUID. Find the GUID of the Friday-3 backup tape and enter it in the command line (put dashes at the right places).
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