Question : Problem: Unable to connect MacBook to Vista Laptop...despair fast approaching

For the last several days, working all day,  I have been trying to get my new Macbook to see my Vista Home Premium laptop, which is connected to my printer.  From time to time, it shows up as 'shared' but I can't connect.  Then I try something and it disappears.
I CAN see and log on to the Mac from Vista if I disable all firewalls.
I can - I think - reach the laptop via SMB and its IP address, but I don't seem to have permission to connect to it.  Either the login fails, or I just get a 'no permission' message.
My wife's PC, running XP elsewhere in the house, shows up and connects automatically.  I haven't touched it.
I've followed the directions in several responses, and some websites (iFelix) but nothing works.
Can someone give me a clue, or -even better - a step-by-step that works?

Answer : Problem: Unable to connect MacBook to Vista Laptop...despair fast approaching

Sorry everyone.  This just won't work.  It may be my Vista box, but seeing the workgroup is hit-or-miss - mostly miss - and I've never been able to see the printer from the Mac.  I'm giving up for now.
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