Question : Problem: Asus computer Bootup frozen

i have a ASUS  Motherbd  and nvidia graphics card 768mb,  sata 320 gb  HDD and 2 GB ram, DVD rom and writers drives  Due to power shutdown in this african area,  My computer started having boot up problems.  i switch on the power It starts booting up and then freezes  within a second with the first  ASUS MB screen. Even the mouse and keybd are not lighting up and responding.  I changed the HDD  and disconnected sata drive,   but no difference,    it still freezing on bootup,  not even getting to load windows.  HDD   was also not responding on a different computer  when i installed it . i think its teh mother board is burnt or the HHD or both.   any ideas

Answer : Problem: Asus computer Bootup frozen

It could be your printer or something that is causing it to want to boot from your printer.

I've had that happen to a client recently. Their HP printer was trying to boot and it froze at the mobo screen and finally would go to windows xp after an hour.

Unplug everything but monitor, mouse, keybaord

and on the inside go to bare bones - mobo, hdd. take out vid card if possible.

if it boots normally,then slowly replace each component 1 by 1 until you find it freezes again. That component you just put back in is the culprit
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