Question : Problem: Installing PC 2700 in tandem with PC 2100 memory

Laptop had single stick of 256 MB PC2100 memory installed with BIOS recognizing 194 MB. Presumably the remainder was allocated to the video card.
Purchased a "new" stick of 512MB PC2700 supposedly backward compatible with installed 2100 memory.  Same memory manufacturer- Samsung.
New PC2700 stick is not recognized by the computer BIOS. Exchanging the two sticks on the mother board recepticles gives same result . The PC2100 is recognized as 194 MB memory, the 512 MB stick is not recognized.  Is the new 512MB stic defective or is there a compatibiity issue?

Answer : Problem: Installing PC 2700 in tandem with PC 2100 memory

In page 26, your system only has PC2100.
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